Growth Chart
Healthcare providers such as paediatricians, physiologists, dieticians, midwives and neonatal nurse specialists frequently need to record growth data for their patients, so they can monitor development and manage intervention appropriately.
Our growth charts enable the capture of growth data that spans across stages of life (fetal, newborn, children, adolescent).

eGrowth Chart module
Eclair’s eGrowth Chart module allows patient growth data to be recorded electronically and compared against recognised WHO standards, offering a number of advantages over paper-based charts:
automatic calculations of BMI, height velocity and gestational age corrections for premature infants, as well as conversion to z-Scores
easy conversion to PDF format for sharing with patients or other healthcare providers
a comprehensive, continuous record of growth from birth at 24 weeks’ gestation to 20 years.
Fetal Growth Chart module
Eclair’s Fetal Growth Chart module enables antenatal care providers such as midwives, sonographers, obstetricians, and prenatal nurse specialists to electronically chart ultrasound-derived fetal biometric data.
The Fetal Growth Chart automatically plots the growth data, that has been entered in Eclair, against standardised reference curves from the Australasian Society for Ultrasound in Medicine (ASUM).
This supports healthcare providers to better monitor fetal growth assessment and pregnancy progress for the mother and baby.
Key benefits include:
accurate capture of gestational age and SNOMED CT coded fetal biometric parameters (biparietal diameter, abdominal circumference, head circumference and femur length)
a complete record of growth from early phases of pregnancy up to delivery
seamless integration of electronic growth charts into the mother’s record within Eclair
ability to link mother – child patient records in Eclair
Eclair’s eGrowth Charts and Fetal Growth Charts are stored in the clinical data repository as part of the patient’s permanent medical record, contributing to an overall clinical picture.
Further Reading
*Eclair is not a medical device as it does not have a therapeutic purpose.