Sysmex Staff Stand Up, Then Lie Down To Donate Blood
Did you know that approximately 1% of the population (or 42,000 patients) are treated with blood or blood products in New Zealand each year? It’s not surprising therefore that they require about 3,000 donations each and every week to meet hospital requirements.
In recognition of World Blood Donor Day (June 14), Sysmex New Zealand staff participated in a Staff Blood Drive on Thursday 11 June. Thanks to the fantastic shuttle service offered by NZ Blood Service, our volunteers were picked up, donated blood and were dropped back at the office – all in just over an hour.

Rose Harding, Sysmex Marketing Communications Manager said, “As a first time donor, the staff and how they manage the whole process made it such an easy and comfortable experience. All kudos to everyone at Epsom Donor Centre, they were simply fantastic – and yes, the drinks and chocolate biscuits after were very well received.”
In support of Sysmex’s continuing commitment to health and the community, the staff blood drive has been implemented as an annual event, with a small group of committed staff members also undertaking to donate on a more regular basis.
WBDD2015Each donation received can be separated into several components, which can then be used to treat different types of patients, for example, adults and children with leukaemia, transplant patients, patients undergoing surgery, and accident and burns victims. But, what may not be widely known is that NZ Blood Service is the sole provider of blood products to hospitals in New Zealand. The NZ Blood Service relies on the generosity of donors to save lives. So why not ring them today and make an appointment to donate blood – 0800 GIVE BLOOD.